“Cupid and Psyche,” is a tale of a beautiful girl that falls in love with a man that hides his appearance from her until one day she sneaks up on him and reveals what he really looks like and she almost loses him forever. While reading this tale I found that there were a lot of similarities to the tale of, “Beauty and the Beast,” by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont. To start, in both stories there is a family that has three daughters and the youngest of both families are the most beautiful girls you have ever seen. The youngest child in fairy tales are often the most spoiled and for these tales this is not any different. This is because both girls get the best husbands that would do anything for them and their houses are filled with riches. Both girls marry a monster of some sort and unbelievably they both fall in love with these so-called beasts. The stories teach the readers to love people on a higher and more personal level, then just looks. The two sisters of both Beauty and Psyche are filled with envy because both girls live in such wonderful places filled with gold and anything you could ever want. The jealous sisters of both girls try their hardest to ruin the marriages of their youngest sisters. For Beauty, they made her stay away from Beast too long and he becomes ill. For Psyche, the sisters entice her to see the true appearance of her husband and by sparking Psyche’s curiosity; they make her almost lose Cupid forever. Because of this envy the sisters learn their lessons. In “Beauty and the Beast”, the sisters turn into statues and in “Cupid and Psyche”, the sister fall to their death. At any rate this is a lesson for readers that they should never let jealousy run their lives. Throughout these two stories you see tons of similar motifs, with small changes to fit their tales.
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